How do I find a book, movie, or other item?
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    How do I find a book, movie, or other item?

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    If you are at the Library, you can typically use the tablets to search the Library’s online catalog or search tools. You can also search our catalog online from anywhere.

    You can also use the search features on the Library’s website, Here’s how:

    1. Home Page Search: Start by visiting the Library's home page at There, you'll find a search bar at the top of the page.
    2. Choose the Right Tab: The search bar offers three tabs - the first tab searches items at the Madison Library and the second tab searches items at the Hanover Branch. The third tab is for searching pages and information on the website, it does not search items in the catalog.
    3. Enter Keywords: Select the appropriate tab depending on your search location and enter keywords, such as the title, author, or relevant information related to the item you're looking for.
    4. Click "Search": After entering your keywords, click the "Search" button to initiate the search.
    5. Review Results: Browse through the search results to find the item you're interested in. The results will typically include details like the item's title, author, availability, and location within the library.
    6. Advanced Search: If you need more refined search options, you can click on the "Advanced Search" link or use the "Browse the Catalog" link under the search bar to access additional search features.